Its our final full day at the HATS Orphanage and its hard to keep this short as there are so many stories packed into our last few hours here. Let’s finish telling you about the rest of the team that is here and their thoughts about this visit.
This is Bob’s seventh trip to Haiti, and he says that each group of people he travels with is a different adventure. Cora says that it is a blessing just to be here with Karen and the children. Brian says that events like this week makes your heart ache for the people in Haiti. Kristopher has enjoyed playing with all the children. Dana says that the children have captivated him. Ben in his wisdom says it ‘twas what it twas’. Cathy still feels it is all surreal but she has been happy to work and has been thrilled with every minute of simple and real fun with the kids. Lora thinks that this has been a great experience and is thankful to have been able to play even a small role. The camaraderie couldn’t have been better. Cora is here from Elliot Lake, ON, but she is originally from Springdale NL. She says it is such a blessing to work with the kids and see their sweet smiles. Ti-Luc has captured her heart with his joy for life. This is her second mission trip. Five years ago she was in Malawi, Africa. Cora attends the Pentecostal Church in Elliot Lake.
Cora and Karena
Dana Stone is from Weymouth, NS and he works on a mink ranch. He’s the worship leader at the Emmanuel Baptist Church. He’s brought his music skills to our daily devotions, and even managed to ‘wing it’ during one of the creole hymns! The children have certainly enjoyed hearing him play the guitar for them, especially Mirlande. Dana says this trip has been an even bigger blessing than he ever imagined it would be. He appreciates the workers and admires how happy they are.
Dana and kids
I guess you’ve all heard of free range chickens in Canada, well in Haiti they have taken it to a new level and they have free range goats!!! And by free range we mean free to roam the river side, the fields and the streets. Gerry thinks it puts another twist on the saying to “get your goat”!!
Free Range Goats
Speaking of wildlife we learned this morning to be careful when moving the cinder blocks. Nesting underneath was a tarantula about the size of your hand – it’s surprising how loud grown men can scream!! So the girls continued to work while the men recovered and we released a frog and then let a rat run free!!
Mr. Frog
It appears we have completely destroyed an ecosystem in the back yard. But we are trying to replenish through the gift of a chicken from the biological father of Karen’s Calgary granddaughter, who came to see her today.
repleinishing the ecosystem
Childlren & Mariah’s biological father
As a token of our appreciation to the workers who toil under the hot sun every day, our group presented each man with a cold drink as well as a bag of clothing that had been donated. How grateful they were! Gerry spoke and thanked them for all the hard work they do, and will continue to do.
Goodbye to Haitian workers by Blan yo
Today more blocs were moved by blan yo. This time from downstairs to the sleeping level upstairs. Too, the wire fence that had to be removed for the construction of the water tower building was straightened out and put back up.
Moving blocs to sleeping area
Putting fence back up by water tower
Ti Luc has enjoyed time with everybody on the team and they have all enjoyed him and his antics. Today again he spent some good time with the professor on the team, Rollie, writing and showing his other skills. Rollie, like the rest of the team, is very impressed with his capabilities.
Teacher and student
Though our trip was cut short, we are thankful for the time we had to play our small role at the HATS mission. Thanks to Karen, her children, and her staff for a wonderful experience that we will never forget. Our next blog will be from home. We want to thank everyone for keeping us in your thoughts and prayers.