Christmas Day and Magalie’s wedding have come and gone but the work onsite continues. The men returned on Dec. 23rd to remove the wood and metal supports for the cement roof that was poured a couple of weeks earlier. Luckner, was ill for a couple of weeks, but is once again hard at work, with a couple of helpers, on the electrical wiring of Kay Timbrmart. Actually he has three helpers – JJ has been a great help. JJ loves to assist and likes to learn. A good combination.
Yesterday, 26th, Magalie was married. I must admit I did not want to go, due to the long time that weddings normally take here and and to the fact they usually start one to three hours after the time scheduled. I think my teasing Magalie about it had an effect as she arrived at church only 30 minutes late and that was because the vehicle that was supposed to drive them to the church did not turn up. And the service was 1 3/4 hour in length instead of 3 or more. Magalie was gorgeous. The kids not being used to seeing her like she was yesterday, did not recognize her at first. My kids did two songs at the wedding ceremony – one in English and one in Creole. Now she is Mme Appollon, but will always be Magalie or Maga (as the kids call her) to us.
All the kids were beautifully attired yesterday. Just before leaving for the church Ti Luc asked me to take a photo of him to send to Liette and kids. Here is the handsome boy!!
Today, 27th, our teachers were back at the school preparing report cards to be given out Wednesday morning, 29th. Then school will be closed until January 10th.
We all know that HATS-Haiti is ALL ABOUT THE CHILDREN so I leave you with this photo of Karena and Jofky, my two youngest, playing with my swing sofa, giggling and having a great time. It blesses this mother to see them, no longer hungry and sad as they were when they arrived, but getting chubby, laughing, running around and getting into mischief. Life for them is no longer painful and lonely, but filled with noise and laughter of several children. I thank God daily for sending them both here.
God bless you.
~Karen and gang