Some early morning inspirational singing by the combined Kreyol – English Choir. After that morning session, Dickie, Karen, Cathy, and Lisa left in the HATS truck for the 45 minute drive to St. Marc for some necessary building, plumbing , painting, supplies. En route Cathy and Lisa would have a further opportunity to observe the beautiful Artibonite Valley which includes Pont Deschappelles. They were back before 11 AM.
The local crew continued working hard on the new driveway. It is amazing to watch them and see how quickly they progress.
There were seven more Cholera Vaccinations given local Haitian people here today at the ‘ Cholera Clinic ‘ in the Compound.
Dickie and Jim were rechecking the many connections re the Four Tanks water system.
Painting continued in the new Missionary Quarters at a very good rate – this afternoon, Ken and Don were released from other projects to also help Cheryl, Cathy, and Lisa who are the three main A+ painters. This work in these new quarters such as the painting and furniture making (Dave has been nicknamed the Cabinet Minister ) is getting a lot of priority because Karen has made arrangements with a young Missionary couple who plan to come at the end of February to help out for a year.
Sandra seems to have an abundance of Office work and associated errands to do each day releasing Karen of doing the same otherwise on top of many other details, especially recently where some extra construction on the new Children’s House, Missionary Quarters, and driveway, etc is underway, each project with its many details to be on top of.
Martha and Germaine continue to treat these tired workers with wonderfully tasty meals. In the midst of all the work, meals, relaxation times, there seems to be an overflow of jokes, banter, laughs, and practical jokes ( funny, but Dickie’s name is first to be associated with any practical joke, though they usually bring gales of laughter ). Late afternoon, we drove a few kilometers to the nearby town of Borel, so Karen could show us where she lived for the first 9 years in Haiti – the house she lived in, and the house she rented for her first attempt at promoting an Orphanage, before buying the land and and starting the present HATS Mission site.
The text must close now, so Jim can get some photos included. We are running out of time for tonight, because our “Inverter” seems to now be inoperable, and once we shut off the generator, there won’t be any accessory lighting tonight, but we all have good flashlights. Again today, Karen and Luckner needed some meetings at the school and on the Compound not only keeping up to date with the regular running of the School and Orphanage, but with all the extra projects presently underway.