Yesterday school functioned differently and teachers and students all had a great time. Yesterday, May 17th, was a day for our teachers – Teacher Appreciation Day. Today, May 18th, school is closed as today is a national holiday – Flag Day. Yesterday, we had a double celebration – for our teachers and for our flag. On Monday all students at the school made a small flag with their red and blue colours. Also many other flags were made and hung all over the the school yard.
The school events started at 4:30 a.m. for me as eight students arrived at my house 4:45 to go to the school and start preparing a meal for teachers, visitors, and students. We started our school day with our regular devotion period which was followed by an assembly of all students about the Haitian flag, what the colours meant and how it came into being. Met Luckner, the director of our school, and Met Weschnel, the superintendent of schools in this area, both shared with the students. This was followed by students waving their flags while singing. A band had been hired to provide marching music both on our school compound and to accompany our students on a short march outside on the street. It was beautiful seeing all our students, in their three different colour uniforms, including our littlest students in prescolaire 1, 2 and 3, marching on the street, with their flags . Ti Luckner walked with the other school students although it was really too far for him, especially in the heat. He was extremely tired but still loved the whole thing. The marching students returned to the school yard and continued to to march around the compound both front and back sections while the band continued to play for them.
While other students marched and sang, the group of eight students worked diligently preparing the meal. Luckner ended up spending quite a lot of time in the kitchen, albeit all dressed up, helping with meal preparation and serving. The teachers were able to relax yesterday, to sit, chat, and be served.
The day was a huge success and good for all the students and teachers. As well as taking photos to share with you I endeavoured to do a couple of video clips. I apologize for the shaking in the video I am attaching. I had several students trying to touch my camera and a very tired Ti Luc holding unto his mama. I hope, however, you can open it up full size and feel like you were there with us yesterday. Wish you could have been!!
Thank you to all our supporters. Without you the school would not be functioning and a lot of students would not be attending school. Thank you to all HATS student sponsors. At this time we are not in need of more sponsors for our school. We, however, have teacher salaries to be paid twelve months of the year and we seek sponsors for that. Within the next week a photo of our teachers and of our other employees will be posted on our website.
“Remember one child’s life being changed is more important than all the material things the world has to offer.”
God bless you all.
~Karen and children, at the orphanage and at the school.