So let me give you a quick overview of a week with 17 kids on the compound 24/7 because school is closed. Every day starts with us all gathering at 7:30 a.m. for devotions where we sing and pray and any instructions are given. We finish with greeting each other by shaking hands and saying “Have a good day”.
One of their favorite activities is to play school with the chalkboard the older ones use for figuring out math problems on.
Just after lunch when the heat gets really oppressive, a video is a good way to spend a couple of hours in out of the sun.
When the heat has cooled ever so slightly, around 5:00 p.m., the kids enjoy a walk along the canal. They like to throw rocks in the water, climb the big trees not too far along from the compound and enjoy the beauty that we see in the Artibonite Valley.
We are truly blessed to have such a beautiful place to live.