The boss lady is back on the compound. Karen arrived home on the weekend from Canada and got a warm and heartfelt welcome from the staff and kids.
Karen was very pleased to know that we had not stolen, lost or sold any kids while we were in charge. She wanted a family picture of everyone together though just to be sure.
The office painting is complete and everything put back almost where we found it. The buddies Karen and Joan are catching up on the news AND hopefully working on the monthly report too.
As you can imagine there are many minor injuries with all these kids at HATS. Nurse Joan administers to Jofky under the watchful eyes of the future medical students.
Monday school was closed – again, this time for a strike related to the recent Presidential elections. So what did Sandra, Jofky, Karena, Anne and Jonathan do? They played school. The only advantage is there is no homework.
This morning the strike is over and the elementary school kids gathered with Mama Karen to pray before school. Precious.