Saturday mornings Joan and I include the older kids on our walks and we go exploring different routes around the canal, hospital and surrounding neighbourhoods. JJ, Moise, Leica, Dieunel, Josie and Judel were all ready by 6:20 for our 6:00 walk. They were very happy to have new hats and water bottles compliments of the Air Canada Foundation.
The Air Canada Foundation is dedicated to the health and wellness of children and youth in Canada and abroad. They have been very supportive of our projects with HATS with waived baggage fees on several occasions, donating school supplies and most recently a grant for the school feeding program – more on that in a later blog.
Our living quarters still look like our house did before we left. 10 hockey bags of school supplies, clothes, diapers, toys, food, work gloves, school books, colouring books, pencil sharpeners, painting supplies, plumbing supplies, tape, glue, etc. etc.
Thank you one and all for your donations and support.
And now some pictures of random happenings around the compound………
The kids are off school for the next 2 days!! Party time! ?