July 8, 2017
My last few days at HATS with Karen and the kids were filled with all sorts of activities.
Sunday morning started with a great church service. Whenever I get to travel to one of the strategic partners that we support as a church, one of my favourite things to do is to be a part of a local church service. I love being a part of a local congregation as they worship and praise God together. There were many highlights for me that morning and I am so glad I was able to be with the HATS crew for a church service. I also had the opportunity to speak about how God has been reminding me of His faithfulness, no matter what life brings my way. Thanks to Mariah and Karen for helping me communicate that.
After we got home from church, it was time to prepare for a HATS birthday party. Balloons were hung from the roof of the carport and Moise added a special touch by tying a balloon to the chairs of the birthday boys and girl. We celebrated the birthdays of Dieunel, Jofky and Anne. Karen put a lot of thought and care to picking out the presents for each of them and it was so fun to see Dieunel, Jofky and Anne’s excitement as they opened the gifts. Once the birthday cake and pop had been consumed, we went over to the school so that the older children could play soccer and the younger ones played school or practiced building things with rocks. From the smiles I saw that afternoon I think it’s pretty safe to say that everyone really enjoyed the party.
Monday was my last full day in Haiti which meant there were a lot of little things to finish up. Mariah had one more dance lesson with the preschool class that will be graduating at the end of this school year. I am sad that I won’t be able to see them perform for everyone because it is going to be absolutely precious! We ran some errands, I helped Karen a bit in her office and then it was time for some final memories with the kids before the packing began.
My last day at the HATS compound came much quicker than I thought I it would. After a teary time in the morning devotion with the staff and a final visit over to the school, bags were loaded up in the bus and the journey to the airport began. I had anticipated that I would enjoy spending time getting to know the children and being a part of Karen’s daily life in Haiti but I had not anticipated that it would capture my heart like it did. I will miss spending time with the children and Karen but I am hopeful that I’ll be able to see them all again in the not too distant future.
Thanks Karen and team for hosting me so wonderfully and for allowing me to be a part of your world for a short time.