Hello from Pont Deschapelles. Jim here.
This is my 11th visit to HATS and I never get tired of the scenery, the people or even the work. Although many of the tasks every year seem repetitive the variety during each day and pace that the jobs arise leave no room for boredom. Since arriving Dickie and I have repaired the water line between the devotion room and the girls home, the waste line behind the main building, the water line from one of the thousand gallon holding tanks, leaking faucets in 2 bathroom showers and plugged drains, a running toilet that needed a bucket to refill the tank and made a desperately needed run to the plumbing supply store to allow us to complete more repairs.
We have also repaired broken and rotting benches (mostly Dickie) done some computer repairs (mostly Jim). We watched the professionals replace the inverter twice so we can have some more reliable power, and more professionals come and repair our internet to hopefully give us a reliable connection for a while. I updated Karen’s email signature to correct the contact numbers, and of course fit in a couple of walks, a lot of picture taking, some for pleasure some for sponsorship. I am sure some items are forgotten and it is only day 5. Somehow we have also fit in some play time with the kids and of course Sunday church.
I can’t wait to see what is in store for tomorrow as each day brings us a new surprise and new delights. After writing this I think I realize why I am ready for bed by nine.