Irene wrote about our trip here, and Jim about his and Dickie’s jobs. Irene and I have been busy too.
Irene has been the chief laundry person and sometimes it takes all day to get done with the generator only running certain hours. She has been helping in the office with Karen, doing payrolls with me, being the person called on to do the “run here, go there, do this, do that, go to school etc” and that with us both doing 26 stockings, 80 bags for church, walks along the canal, playing with kids and doing dishes etc. is keeping her and me out of trouble.
I am helping Luc with his home schooling 8:30 to 12:30 each day…..guess who is learning the most!!Karen is busy, as always, flitting here and there with people always waiting to see her.
We had a fet today for Jim! He got the same birthday as the kids get, he takes the seat of honour and everyone goes to him to hug and wish him a happy birthday or sing to him or whatever they wish to do. He got one gift which was filled with silly things and everyone watched as he opened it. Everyone sang Happy Birthday to him and we then served cupcakes and pop! A great time was had by all.
Karen hates cockroaches, even after almost 24 years here. Dickie has been having fun playing tricks on her and others with plastic cockroaches so a couple of nights ago Irene put one in his glass of mango juice before she placed it in the freezer for awhile. We were all waiting for it to appear. No sign of anything for awhile then Karen saw a twitch on his face and asked if anyone found anything in their juice. Casually, with no expression, Dickie opened his mouth and there was the plastic cockroach on his tongue! Karen was still freaked out!
We have given out all the sponsor gifts to the children. They were pretty pleased with them.
We measured and bagged 31 Love Gifts today, with the older children helping we were done in record time. We will soon distribute those to the sponsored students that were provided for them by their sponsors. Next we will measure and bag food to be given out to some of the hungry people in the community. There are a lot of hungry people in Haiti who need some help. The country is in a time of turmoil and unrest and inflation has soared making already hard conditions even more difficult. Many people go to bed hungry day after day.
It has been way too hot, most days 33-35 with it reaching 38 on two days. I was happy the first two days as it was overcast and cooler than usual. We all needed an extra sheet or blanket last night as it went as low as 20! Karen had breakfast with a long sleeve shirt with a short one over that and a hoodie and pants!!! I changed Dickie’s bed yesterday and he had a big heavy blanket in his tent, not sure what he was expecting.
I always love my time here at HATS-Haiti.
More things for stockings and our baggies for our church Good start made on the Christmas stockings for our HATS kids Variety of goodies brought down for stocking stuffers Sandra learning Luc’s math lesson Dickie loves cockroaches PS 2 P S 3 Playing the Memory Game with Little Sandra Party Boy – Party Bow Measuring and bagging the Love Gifts Measuring and bagging the Love Gifts