Joan Wight
We are three weeks into our stay here at HATS, Hands Across The Sea, and we have settled back into life here in Haiti. Beautiful early morning walks along the canal just before the sun comes up to avoid the heat, back for breakfast and then devotions at 7:30 to get the day started with the staff and sometimes the kids when they don’t have school.
Which has been for the last three days, school cancelled because of the unrest in the country and there have been some road blocks here in Deschapelles. Better to be safe and stay put till the roads are clear. We are hoping that will be Monday and school will be on again! Sixteen kids to keep busy can be challenging but it has given me some time to sort out a few things.
Soccer at 8 am Even the little ones play
This has involved the donations that have been so generously provided. The boys have new undies and socks, everyone has shampoo and body lotion and I have been through the shoes…at least I think I have seen all that the kids have …they have been known to hide a pair or two because they want something new. And I have given out the shoes and sandals that are needed.
Mearsuring for new shoes Dieunel has grown
Thank you for the medications, toothpaste, clothes, school and office supplies all waiting to be used when the time comes. Your generous donations help keep the children healthy and happy and loved.
My friend Karen very kindly sewed each child a cover for their bed. They were thrilled to receive them and this is just the right time of year for them as the nights can be chilly. I know that sounds unbelievable to those of us from Northern climes, but really, it is chilly at 20 degrees Celsius when the day has been 30 degrees!
New bed covers Thank you Karen
We had a party the first day off of school this week (me thinking that it would only be that day with no school!) and the theme was snow. My friend Carol generously sent down all the ingredients. A beautiful book to start us off and then the papers and scissors were flying as the kids cut out their own special snowflake. Snowflake crackers and suckers were enjoyed to finish off our party. All the kids were happy.
Dickiesons first time with scissors Jofky and the others working on snowflakes