Thank you to all who have been praying and sending notes of encouragement. Please continue to do so.
The situation in the whole country is NOT GOOD. Everything is on lock down. Our roads are blocked. There are more and higher blockades daily. The bridge just outside the HATS mission is blocked and often with burning tires as well. The past two days has seen the bridge and the roads in our area covered with rocks and broken glass in between the many blockades. Some places in this area are now throwing rocks at people on foot. In the evenings people lie in the dark with guns at the blockades.
Some embassies have been encouraging the evacuation of women, children and non essential employees. Groups have been hiring helicopters to fly them to the Port au Prince airport so they can leave.
Our own Mr. HATS, Luckner, who is extremely well respected by the people has been using his voice and common sense on his radio station ‘Radio Creole’ to try and calm the situation. Luckner has been using his motorcycle to check on us here at the mission regularly. He has been getting here by avoiding the roads, driving over, through, and around some unimaginable things, to be sure we are all okay. At night when he leaves the Radio Station to return to his family, he returns here again to check with security. He then makes his way home on motorcycle using the road. He calls out loudly at every blockade to let the people know it is him. If they are fully aware it is him, they will allow him to pass. Please pray for his safety – pray that no case of mistaken identity ever happens as he is trying to return to his family.
I have been surprised to see some of our employees arrive at work after walking for 2-2 1/2 hours to get here. This is dedication.
Keith, Joan and I are trying to keep the kids busy and active and seeing life as normal as possible while schools and everything around here is closed.
We were excitedly awaiting our own David and Brooks team from Texas to arrive today, as well as Seth, Jessie and kids. The disappointment for our HATS American family members and for all of us here is huge. They will, however, come when Haiti once more reaches a ‘Haiti normal’. To help the children with this disappointment of them not arriving this afternoon Joan, Keith and I are going to have a surprise birthday party for two of our lovely girls – Leica and Josie.
We continue to be okay here inside the compound. We still have some diesel and we have food staples. The many innocent people outside are in great difficulty for food and water. My heart breaks for the plight of those people.
Again, thank you all for your phone calls, emails, messages, and especially for your prayers.
We love you all. God bless each and every one of you.
Helicopters to the resuce Near by Customs Office and Govt building in St Marc
Karen and gang