It’s always nice to get off the compound and go for a canal walk. I have 5 or 6 different daily routes that I take about 45 to 60 minutes to complete. Saturday morning the older kids join us and take turns leading the way for a slower paced stroll. Leica led the charge on Saturday and we ended up behind the compound, away from the canal in a small community near the hospital.
Saturday morning walkers
A picture may be worth 1000 words but a blog is a poor substitute to describe Sunday Morning Church at HATS. The congregation is young; mostly school kids and they know how to rock. The singing, clapping, drum playing and dancing is something that has to be experienced in person. Karen and Joan alternate sharing the messages/bible stories and the teens lead the worship. I sit at the back and police the shenanigans.
Worship leaders Leica and Eldad Joan with the boys Karen keeps an eye on the girls and Jonathan
The country has gone temporarily quiet but not so the compound. The kids are off school, AGAIN!! This time 3 day break for Carnival. So we are back to our afternoon activities; videos, jell-o, charades, soccer, hockey and of course my favorite – homework.
Video break Hockey action Math tutorial with Msta Keith
And life goes on at HATS; the kids do chores, the laundry is done 6 days a week, Karen’s office work is never done and neither is my to do list
Leica helping with the beans Karen and Joan preparing the payroll and cooking the books
This is our last blog for a while. Joan and I head home later this week to spend some time with our Canadian family. A while is defined as: a period of time, spell, stretch, stint, span, season, interval, period, duration, stage, or term.
Karen has our phone number on speed dial, so when she calls we’ll return.
Stay tuned