Thank you, Farewell for now, and Happy Children.
Thank you Liette and Jim for coming to Haiti for two weeks with Luc and me. You both worked tirelessly and diligently on our school sponsoring program as well as doing several other important jobs as well. These things needed to be undertaken by you two, and you handled it all with grace and humor. I look forward to the next time we will be in Haiti together. God bless you both.
The children continue to be thrilled to have Luc and me back here and we are thrilled to be back with them. We spend a lot of time together. We are not free to come and go outside as we could once do, but it is not a problem. We are loving being back. Luc is continuing with his school work daily, doing what he can on his own, then waiting for me to finish some of my work to go spend time with him on his subjects. I must admit I am certainly missing the excellent teachers and aides he has at his high school in Newfoundland.
Our school is operating well under the direction of the capable Met Luckner. Our graduating students, in Philo, attend school on Saturdays as well as Mon – Fri, to make up for the time lost in the fall.
It is good to be back here at our church as well. We provided a good hot meal to all in attendance the past two Sundays and hope to be able to continue to feed all who attend every Sunday. There is an extreme hunger problem and feeding them is a big need. Much appreciation has been shown for this. It was good for me to have time in Canada sitting under excellent biblical teaching at my church, where Luc and I are loved and encouraged. While there I rested, and was nourished and recharged physically and spiritually and now am feeling peaceful and useful, no matter what is going on outside the compound.
I am extremely thankful to Luckner for the great job he did in the period when I could not return. He held things together nicely working very long hours and taking good care of everyone at HATS and his own family as well, under very difficult conditions. He continues to prove to be an amazing and extremely capable man who loves God, his country, his people, and who loves our HATS-Haiti mission and the work we do. Thank you and God bless you Luckner.
I will try to keep in touch this way weekly but life here without help might get in the way at times. 🙂
God bless you all. With love,
A cute sack of rice After church Anne playing on the slip and slide Church Is Judel heavy, Moise? JJ at Radio Creole JJ and Jim Jonathan likes to pose for me Karena Liette translating students letters into English Love seeing these two together again Luc and Dieunel Happy to be together again Sandra relaxing and thinking Some secondary students picking up their meal