Today was a good day. We had a great sleep, then had our healthy breakfast. The most important difference is that we are washing our hands very often.
The regular staff members are not coming to work on campus anymore because of the Covid 19 virus. Luckner has made an arrangement with the other employees to stay home for a month to reduce the risk. Two house mothers will stay with us for the month. I will be taking care of preparing the supplies for us, such as food, soap, oil, cleaning supplies etc.
The children are doing well, playing in the yard, and having fun. I helped the kids take out the bikes to ride and we shared some candy and some chocolate – yum! School was closed by government order over a week ago, during the exams.
And I’m also helping measure food for that will go out to the community. They will pick up their food at the gate so that we keep contact to a minimum. We are also talking about “what is a Corona virus” on the radio.
There are no church services for a while. So life is different, but we are doing well. The mangoes are starting to ripen and we’re excited to eat them.
We miss all of our visitors and friends who are not able to come to Haiti for some time. And we especially miss Mama and Luc.
Lots of love ❤️ and hugs from all the children.
Jofky, Judel & Dieunel enjoying mangoes Kids playing outside