Introduction to/update on, four more children greatly loved and deeply missed by Mama Karen.
Karena Mariah Pierre
Karena 11 1/2, was brought to the HATS compound and joined our family at age 1 1/2 after she had lost all family members in the devastating earthquake in 2010 in Haiti, that killed 300,000 people. Karena is a grade five student, who is cheerful and loves to have fun with the other children. She is quite helpful to the housemothers when needed with food preparation, as well as other chores. Karena has a beautiful voice that we are blessed to hear in church. She enjoys playing with the other children, but has had to learn to stand up for herself against the boys on occasion and against another girl close to the same age often. Overall Karena is a well rounded sweet girl.
Little Karena Mariah Karena Karena singing solo Karena Mariah
Anne Augustin
Anne turned 11 this month. She joined our family as a sick 1 1/2 year old. Anne had lived with her mother in another part of Haiti before joining our family. Her mother wanted us to take Anne as she knew was ill physically and mentally. She was unable to continue to care for Anne and felt she did not have a lot of time left. There was no father in the picture. Some years back Anne’s biological mother did die. Anne is an intelligent girl academically, but not always so in relationships with others. She likes to have fun on her terms. She likes things her way, and if they don’t fall in place as she wishes she is too often quick to act, with unpleasant, unsavory words and actions. This is when crying is heard from other children as they head to find Mama Karen to help sort out the problem.Anne does likes to help and if presented with a task she likes does a good job of it. She likes to laugh, play and have a lot of fun. I am assured of one thing, this precious girl will be able to stand up for herself when the need arises.
Mama Karen & Anne Anne Anne with Jim Anne
Sandra Ruth Pierre
Sandra 9, was abandoned on the road side as a tiny baby. She is a pleasant girl who likes to play and laugh. She is good with the other children and helpful to anyone who needs her. Sandra is intelligent, catches on quickly, is doing grade three this year, and always has a good report card. She is eager to offer help and likes to do things to please others. She likes to sing and lead our morning devotions when not in school. Sandra, called after my sister, Sandra, is a precious child who has learned to stand up for herself against any other child who might be trying to give her a hard time.
Ti Sandra Sandra with Sandra Sandra Beautiful Sandra ready for church
Magdala Saint Louis
Magdala is 7. Magdala joined us at 2 1/2 but appeared in every way to be barely one, if that. She has no known family. She had been receiving care for awhile from a lady, not related, who stepped in temporarily but had no means to continue. Magdala was very malnourished and withdrawn. She is still small but is now flourishing and happy. She was spoiled a little by the older children due to her condition. Sad to say she has learned to squeal unpleasantly, when trying to stand up for herself, or get her own way in the midst of the older children. She is, however, a cute little gem and a joy to have in our family.
Magdala sitting on Papa’s desk at school Magdala on trike Magdala carrying Mama’s Bible to church Magdala
Mark 9:37a “Whoever welcomes one of these little children in my name welcomes me“.
Thank you to everyone who has helped in some way with the lives of these precious children.
Stay tuned for one more blog about the remaining three children.
May God bless you one and all.
Love, Karen