The Compound is an Island of Peace & Tranquility
This is Rick from Chicago, temporary pilot of the HATS blog. I arrived yesterday with Liette for my first trip to Haiti,...
This is Rick from Chicago, temporary pilot of the HATS blog. I arrived yesterday with Liette for my first trip to Haiti,...
Thank you to the Texas team who left us on Tuesday. They came as a ‘workteam’ and they worked. They also...
Day 5 – Monday – Our last day. 6:45 – Wake up excited for a new day, yet sad it’s...
Brooks and David are back, much to Allison’s (David’s wife) chagrin. However, it’s part of our contract, so we’re doing it. 4:14-7:30 –...
Now it’s time for Brooks (along with Jake and David) to take over the blogging again. I guess we’ll continue the timeline...
4:00 am- We are awakened to the sound of drums, chanting and roosters. 6:00 am- We awake for the day...
The team has written the blog. ( Karen says “What a day of travel, and what an experience they had...
Wow, how time flies when one is busy dealing with a lot of different things, including electrical problems, with electrical...
It is more than time to let you know we are all doing well here. You will still hear from...
Thank you for praying that we would be part of God’s plan. We appreciate your prayers and pray God’s blessings...
Brad, Lois, Kaeli and Peter, are at HATS-Haiti. Welcome to the HATS family. Yesterday Luckner and I with our police...
This is day six since the last blog. The reason is the HATS family members from Canada have come and...
We had another work/fun filled day. Karen, Ti Luc, Dickie and Richard (security) headed out to Saint Marc early for...
Sunday is a favorite of many visiting teams to HATS, I know it is one of mine. It is a...
This was another great day at HATS. We started the day properly by taking a walk along the canal. It...
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