Welcome Back Mariah & Welcome Lucie
Yesterday Luckner and I made a fast trip to Port-au-Prince to pick up Mariah who has returned for another four...
Yesterday Luckner and I made a fast trip to Port-au-Prince to pick up Mariah who has returned for another four...
There was loss of life, loss of a phenomenal amount of crops, plus loss of a lot of animals that...
The work on our school is actually progressing now, after a frustrating holdup due to lack of cement in the...
Recently I posted a blog talking about my need for help here at HATS-Haiti. I mentioned Mariah returning until December...
Right now we’re sitting in the Port au Prince airport waiting for our flight to Miami and then home. It’s...
Yesterday was bicycle day here at the HATS Mission. The children were thrilled when Luckner and I surprised them with...
First I want to talk about our HATS School – IMKH. The results of the grade six and grade nine...
The past couple of days has seen me with two visitors at my house. One gave me great joy while...
This time I am writing about my need of support workers at HATS. Some of you realize I need help...
The main topic of discussion around HATS again is school, school, school. Yikes, I thought we were going to get...
On the blog written last night I said “Tomorrow we are taking him (Ti Luc) to St Marc to see...
Once again I am delinquent in getting a blog posted, but better late than never. First I want to remind...
Greetings in The Name of our Saviour and Lord, Jesus The King HATS Haiti – after the fresh air trip...
I have to say T H A N K Y O U to Beate and her team of Sam, Rebecca...
We had a nice relaxing morning getting ready for church which started at 9:30 over at the school. What a...
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