Breakfast of Potato Pancakes…Platzkie
We eased into today after a couple of days of tough work in very hot conditions. After going to bed...
We eased into today after a couple of days of tough work in very hot conditions. After going to bed...
Today the guys went with a new plan: early to rise and early to the work site, lunch at the...
Our friendly neighborhood entrepreneur, the rice maker, proudly woke us all up at 4:15 a.m. as he fired up his...
Again the ladies wrote the blog. Can’t seem to get any of the men into blog writing. Thursday night –...
Our first night on the roof proved to be as noisy as the streets of Port au Prince: lots of...
Sensory overload, we were warned, and sure enough, the airport was chaos but what seemed at first to be a...
Farewell from Karen Farewell. Good bye. Until we meet again – when you return for a visit. Thank you. Thank...
Our trip to St. Marc yesterday afternoon proved to be an interesting one and rather nerve racking for our Mariah....
First off, Jess and I are very happy to be back at HATS! Our return got delayed because my tonsils...
Leader David, Brooks, Ryan, Joanna, Molly and Julie. Thank you for coming back, for coming for the first time, for...
Sunday morning started with a rousing church service at the school with the kids and staff of HATS along with...
Day 2 was another fun and action-filled day for our team. We began the morning doing what we do best –...
The Amarillo, Texas team is here and having a blast. We’re made up of David Nance, Ryan Reneau, Molly and Joanna...
We continue to be quite busy and as usual there is never ever a dull moment. Now we are preparing...
Life continues at HATS but we are really missing Dickie, Sandra, Jim and Shondi. Kids missing Sandra this week ...
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