Another Thank You for Visiting
Dickie, Sandra, Shondi and Jim, thank you very much for coming, for doing, for working, for repairing, for painting, for...
Dickie, Sandra, Shondi and Jim, thank you very much for coming, for doing, for working, for repairing, for painting, for...
It is soooooo sad to say goodbye here. It has been an emotional day! We all finished up our projects...
Sunday is one of my favorite days in Haiti. It is more relaxed with no projects planned and some of...
Nine of us left the compound today at 7:30 AM headed for the dam at Pelig…just a few minutes from...
We are getting to the end of this trip, so little time left and so much to do. The first...
A Few Funny Anecdotes of our adventures on and off the compound and some photos. The other night, I (Shondi)...
Monday takes us back to school and a busier routine than on the weekend. Luckner’s Aunt died and he was...
Sunday in Haiti is a day of rest for the most part. We all went to the School Building this...
Friday evening Dickie, Shondi, Jim, Mariah, Vladimy and Karen went to Radio Creole for a while. Vladimy was going to...
Apparently no one slept last night except me. There was a voodoo service starting when we went to bed and...
Day 2 and we are all done in…… Today was warmer than yesterday and Shondi and I are both sun...
Starting from both coasts of Canada and the nation’s capital, we all arrived safe and sound in Deschapelles last night...
I would like people to know we are all okay here. Sandra is home from hospital and doing well. Baby...
I am taking a chance that if I write a blog it can be posted. My internet service is worse...
I mentioned yesterday all my children have been, or are, sick. Sandra, too, had been ill with a cold, cough...
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