Karen’s 66th Birthday ?
A wonderful day after Saturday Night Shenanigans. We’ll keep it brief about last evening, but suffice to say there were...
A wonderful day after Saturday Night Shenanigans. We’ll keep it brief about last evening, but suffice to say there were...
It really goes so fast: it seems as if we just arrived and were planning what we would do here...
Guess what we did today? WE PAINTED! AND PAINTED! AND PAINTED SOME MORE! IN FULL-SUN HEAT!! Ugly to beautiful But...
Every morning while we’re here we try to do a time of devotion with staff members and the children. We...
We had a very productive day here at HATS-Haiti. The men working on the roof weren’t able to get a...
Dear friends of HATS-Haiti, the team arrived on Mon. May 23 and it was a smooth landing compared to the...
Just a little note to let our family and friends know that Gerry and the team made it safely to...
Yesterday school functioned differently and teachers and students all had a great time. Yesterday, May 17th, was a day for...
Hey, it’s Seth and it’s my turn to blog again. I’ll start out by saying we haven’t forgotten about you...
Baby Sandra is doing well here at home with us. She is keeping us even busier but she is worth...
She is finally here with us. She came home from the hospital today around noon after spending 15 days there....
We are doing well. The children continue with their schooling, tutoring, and having fun. Precious little baby Sandra is still...
This blog is to introduce you to Baby Sandra and to ask for prayer for her. Sandra joined our family...
Hello all, Jessie Here. I hope you all are in for the long haul, because this is going to be one...
Noise, noise, noise at the administration building/Karen’s living accommodations. But the noise is for a good reason. Bang, bang, bang...
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